Ecology Services


Development Sites, Habitat Surveys and Management Plans
We offer a full service of ecological surveys, environmental impact assessments and habitat management plans tailored to clients’ requirements, whether it be for a new development or simply to improve an existing site.

Extended Habitat Surveys
This is often the first stage in assessing the ecological significance of a potential development site. Target notes will identify any potentially significant areas which may then be the subject of detailed ecological investigation.

National Vegetation Classification (NVC) Surveys

This system of classifying plant communities can follow an extended Habitat Survey if potentially sensitive communities are identified. Additionally, it can form the basis of a woodland management plan.

Woodland Management Plans
Management plans should be designed to create and/or enhance the ecological significance of a range of woodland types. A plan should cover issues such as species selection, re-planting, natural regeneration and thinning regimes. All plans take into account wider, site specific factors, such as presence of notable or rare flora and fauna.

Lowland Heathland Management Plans
A lack of management on our lowland heaths can lead to increased dominance by grasses and/or the establishment of trees. We undertake all aspects of heathland management, from initial surveys and management plans through to contracting work such as turf removal, cutting and spraying.

Bat Surveys
Bat surveys are undertaken using recordable bat detectors and sound analysis tools.

Other Services

  • Ecological Surveys and Reports for EcoHomes Credits
  • Nesting Bird Surveys
  • Badger Surveys
  • Entomology
  • Educational Seminars and Presentations

Environmental Stewardship
We are able to provide specialist services to Environmental Stewardship applicants throughout the North of England and beyond. These comprise:

  • Production of Farm Environment Plans (FEP) - these are a required part of the application process for HLS and are designed to provide a complete picture of the environmental interest of the farm;
  • Drawing up and submission of ELS and ELS/HLS applications

Depending on the particular requirements of the client, we can handle the whole application process (application and FEP), or we can simply undertake the FEP alone.

For information on our range of services please contact us either through our contact page or call us on 00 44 (0) 191 384 2556 for a discussion. We are always happy to offer advice.

Development Sites, Habitat Surveys and Management Plans

Ecology Services Ecology